English Inter-ACT 2010年度イベント
“Everybody's Effort”より[2]
以下は、「English inter-ACT Early Postmodern Dance」(講師=Yelena Gluzman)2010年度イベント“Everybody's Effort: REGARDING YVONNE RAINER(イヴォンヌ・レイナーをめぐって)”にて配布されたプログラム冊子より、文献リストを再録したものです。
>> イベントレポート
Rainer, Yvonne. Feelings Are Facts: A Life. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006.
------. A Woman Who... Essays, Interviews, Scripts. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
------. Talking Pictures: Filme, Feminismus, Psychanalyse, Avantgarde. Vienna, Passagen Verlag, 1994.
------. and Patricia White. The Films of Yvonne Rainer. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
------. "Backwater: Twosome Paxton and Moss." Danscope, Winter/ Spring 1979, 13/2 and 3: 8-10.
------. Work: 1961–73, New York: New York University Press, 1974.
Sachs, Sid, Yvonne Rainer, and Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery. Yvonne Rainer: Radical Juxtapositions 1961-2002. Philadelphia: The University of the Arts, 2003.
Banes, Sally. Terpsichore in Sneakers: Post-Modern Dance. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980.
------. Greenwich Village 1963. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.
------. Writing Dancing: in the Age of Postmodernism. New England: Wesleyen University Press, 1994.
------. Democracy's Body: Judson Dance Theatre, 1962–1964. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.
Burt, Ramsay. Judson Dance Theater: Performative Traces. New York: Routledge, 2007.
Copleand, Roger, and Marshall Cohen. What is Dance? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.
Green, Shelley. Radical Juxtaposition: The Films of Yvonne Rainer. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 1994.
Halprin, Anna. Moving Toward Life: Five Decades of Transformative Dance, Hanover: Wesleyan University Press, 1995.
Kuhn, Annette. Women's Pictures: Feminism and Cinema. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.
Lambert-Beatty, Carrie. Being Watched: Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008.
Rabinovitz, Lauren. Points of Resistance: Women, Power and Politics in the New York Avant-Garde Cinema, 1943–71, Urbana: University of Illinois, 1991.
Ramsey, Margaret Hupp. The Grand Union: An Improvisational Performance Group. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1991.
Wood, Catherine. Yvonne Rainer: The Mind is a Muscle (One Work). Los Angeles: Afterall Books, 2007.
Rainer, Yvonne.「夥しさのなかにおいて定量的にミニマルなダンス活動に見られるいくつかの「ミニマリスト」的な傾向の概括らしきもの、あるいは《トリオ A》の分析」(中井悠訳)近畿大学国際人文科学研究所(編)『述 3―近畿大学国際人文科学研究所紀要 vol.5』明石書店、 2009年.
Rainer, Yvonne.「心は筋肉」(根木富久子訳)ジーン・モリソン・ブラウン(編)『モダンダンスの巨匠たち :自ら語る反逆と創造のビジョン』同朋舎出版、 1989年.
伊藤亜紗「パフォーマー -観客」関係の実験場としての映像作品:イヴォンヌ・レイナー《ライン》について」東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・文学部美学芸術学研究室『美学芸術学研究(28)』2009年.
久郷雄一朗「対峙し続けるダンサーの身体:イヴォンヌ・レイナーとジャドソンダンスシアター」武蔵野美術大学『美史研ジャーナル 3』 2005年.
-----.「ミニマリズムの彫刻とダンスと映画:ロバート・モリスとイヴォンヌ・レイナー」武蔵野美術大学『美史研ジャーナル 2』2004年.
木村覚『未来のダンスを開発する:フィジカル・アート・セオリー入門』メディア総合研究所、 2009年.
中井悠「「見ることの困難」を見ること」近畿大学国際人文科学研究所(編)『述 3—近畿大学国際人文科学研究所紀要 vol.5』明石書店、 2009年.
-----.「失われた情報:時間、フレーム、パフォーマンス、実験的行為(1948-92)」表象文化論学会(編)『表象 04:パフォーマンスの多様体──エンボディメントの思想』月曜社、 2010年.
武藤大祐「イヴォンヌ・レイナー『トリオ A』における反スペクタクル──見ることの困難をめぐって」群馬県立女子大学『群馬県立女子大学紀要( 30)』2009年.
Anderson, Jack. “Yvonne Rainer: The Puritan as Hedonist.” Ballet Review, vol.2, no.5, 1969, pp.31-37.
Arthur, Paul. “Desire for Allegory: The Whitney Biennials.” Motion Picture, vol.2, no.1, Fall 1987.
Baecque, Antoine de. “Yvonne Rainer: Le style, c’est l’emotion.” Cahiers du Cinema, no.369, March 1985, pp.41-42.
Baer, Liz and Sharp, Willoughby. “The Performer as a Persona: An Interview with Yvonne Rainer.” Avalanche #5, Summer 1972.
Banes, Sally. “Lives of Performers: Annette Michelson Discusses Acting in Journeys From Berlin.” Millennium Film Journal, nos.7, 8, 9, Fall 1980-Winter 1981, pp.69-84.
Bassan, R. “Forme et ideologie chez Yvonne Rainer.” Revue du Cinema, no.357, January 1981, pp.129-30.
Berger, Maurice. “The Cave: On Yvonne Rainer's Privilege.” Artforum, vol. 29, n. 3, November 1990.
Blumenthal, Lyn. “On Art and Artists: Yvonne Rainer.” Profile, vol.4, no.5, 1984.
Borden, Lizzie. “Trisha Brown and Yvonne Rainer.” Artforum, vol.11, no.10, June 1973.
------. “Yvonne Rainer: ‘This is a story about a woman who…’ Theater for the New City.” Artforum, vol.11, no.10, June 1973, pp.80-81.
Briggs, Kate and MacDonald, Fiona. “Three Possible Ending: An Interview with Yvonne Rainer.” Photofile, #30, Winter 1990.
Buckley, T. “The Screen: ‘Journeys from Berlin/1971.’” New York Times, February 11, 1980, p.C16.
Bruno, Giuliana. “La mela di Adamo.” Filmcritica vol.37, no.365-66, June-July 1986, pp.362-62.
Camera Obscura Collective. “Yvonne Rainer: An Introduction.” Camera Obscura, no.1, Fall 1976, pp.53-70.
-----. “Appendix: Rainer’s Descriptions of Her Films.” Camera Obscura, no.1, Fall 1976, pp.71-75.
-----. “Yvonne Rainer: Interview.” Camera Obscura, no.1, Fall 1976, pp.76-96.
Carroll, Noel, “Interview with a Woman who…” Millennium Film Journal, nos.7, 8, 9, Fall 1980-Winter 1981, pp.37-68.
Castle, Frederick. “Occurrences: To Go to Show Them.” Art News, vol.67, no.4, Summer 1968, pp.34-35.
Chave, Anna C. “Minimalism and Biography.” The Art Bulletin, vol. 82, n. 1, March 2002.
Chin, Daryl. “Add Some More Cornstarch; or, The Plot Thickens: Yvonne Rainer’s Work 1961-73.” Dance Scope, vol.9, no.2, Spring 1975, pp.50-64.
Christie, Ian. “Lives of Performers.” Monthly Film Bulletin, vol.44, no.520, May 1977, p.101.
Coco, William, and A. J. Gunawardana. “Responses to India: An Interview with Yvonne Rainer.” The Drama Review, vol.15, T-50, Spring 1971, pp.139-42.
Copeland, Roger. “Toward a Sexual Politics of Contemporary Dance.” Contact Quarterly, vol.7, nos.3-4, Spring-Summer 1982, pp.45-51.
Crimp, Douglas. “Yvonne Rainer, Muciz Lover.” Grey Room no. 22, Winter 2006, pp.48-67.
-----. “1000 words: Yvonne Rainer talks about Ros Indexical, 2007.” Artforum International, vol.46: 3, 2007, pp.326-330.
Daly, Ann. “The Hybrid Yvonne Rainer: Avant-Garde Aesthete, Utopian Activist.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, #22, November 2002.
Dawson, Jan. “A World Beyond Freud.” Sight and Sound, vol. 49, n. 3, Summer 1980.
Lauretis, Teresa de. “Strategies of Coherence: Narrative Cinema, Feminist Poetics, and Yvonne Rainer.” Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory Film and Fiction. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1987.
Fensham, Rachel and Walton, Jude. “'Naming Myself, an interview with Yvonne Rainer.” Writings On Dance, #7, Winter 1991.
Finnane, Gabrielle. “Discussing Privilege: an interview with Yvonne Rainer.” Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media and Culture 5:2, 1990.
Fischer, Lucy. “The Dialogic Text, an Epilogue.” Shot/Countershot: Film Tradition and Women's Cinema, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1989.
Goodeve, Thyrza. “Yvonne Rainer: Risks, between You and Me.” Art in America, vol. 85, n. 7, July 1997.
James, David E. “Yvonne Rainer: Film About a Woman Who…” Allegories of Cinema: American Film in the Sixties, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1989.
Jayamanne, Laleen with Kapur, Geeta and Rainer, Yvonne. “Discussing Modernity, Third World and The Man Who Envied Women.” Art and Text, vol. 23, n. 4, March−May 1987.
Johnston, Jill. “The New American Modern Dance.” Richard Kostelanetz (ed.), The New American Arts, New York, Collier Books, 1965.
------. “Judson 1964: End of an Era.” Ballet Review, vol. 1, n. 6, 1967.
------. “Rainer's Muscle.” Marmalade Me, New York, E. P. Dutton, 1971.
Kaplan, Ann E. Women and Film: Both Sides of the Camera, New York, Methuen, 1983.
------. Looking for the Other: Feminism, Film and the Imperial Gaze. New York, Routledge, 1997.
Lambert, Carrie. “Moving Still: Mediating Yvonne Rainer's Trio A”, October, #89, Summer 1999.
Lardeau, Yann. “Yvonne Rainer, Journeys from Berlin/1971.” Cahiers du cinema, #316, October 1980.
MacDonald, Scott. “Demystifying the Female Body: Interviews with Anne Severson and Yvonne Rainer.” Film Quarterly, vol. 45, n. 1, Fall 1991.
------. “Yvonne Rainer.” A Critical Cinema 2, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992.
------. “Yvonne Rainer, Journeys from Berlin/1971.” Avant-Garde Film: Motion Studies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
Mayne, Judith. “Screentests.” The Woman at the Keyhole, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1990.
Mekas, Jonas. “Interview with Yvonne Rainer.” Village Voice, April 25, 1974.
-----. “Yvonne Rainer's Film About a Woman Who.” Village Voice, December 3, 1974.
Mellancamp, Patricia. “Images of Language and Discreet Dialogue:
The Man Who Envied Women.” Screen, vol. 28, n. 2, Spring 1987.
-----. “Five Ages of Film Feminism.” Jayamanne, Laleen (ed.) Kiss Me Deadly: Feminism and Cinema for the Moment. Sydney, Power Publications, 1995.
Michelson, Annette. “Yvonne Rainer, Part 1: The Dancer and the Dance.” Artforum 12:5, January 1974.
-----. “Yvonne Rainer, Part 2: Lives of Performers”, Artforum, vol. 12, n. 6, February 1974
Mueller, John. “Yvonne Rainer's Trio A.” Dance Magazine, vol. 53, n. 3, March 1979.
Mulvey, Laura. “Feminism, Film and the Avant Garde.” Framework, #10, Spring 1979.
Phelan, Peggy. “Spatial Envy: Yvonne Rainer's The Man Who Envied Women.” Motion Picture, vol. 1, n. 3, Winter−Spring 1987.
-----. “Feminist Theory, Poststructuralism and Performance.” The Drama Review, vol. 32, n. 1, Spring 1988.
Rosenbaum, Jonathan. “Aspects of the Avant-Garde: Three Innovators”, American Film, vol. 3, n. 10, September 1978.
-----. “Explorations: The Ambiguities of Yvonne Rainer”, American Film, vol. 5, n. 5, March 1980.
-----. “Yvonne Rainer.” Film: The Front Line-1983, Denver, Arden Press, 1983. Rosenbaum, Mitchell. “Interview with Yvonne Rainer”, Persistence of Vision, #6, Summer 1988.
Silverman, Kaja. “Dis-Embodying the Female Voice.” Doane, Mary Ann, Mellancamp, Patricia and Williams, Linda (eds), Re-Vision: Essays in Feminist Film Criticism, Frederick Md., University Publications of America and the American Film Institute, 1984.
Wooster, Ann Sargeant. “Yvonne Rainer's Journeys from Berlin/1971.” The Drama Review, vol. 24, n. 2, June 1980.
Rainer, Yvonne.「Kristina Talking Pictures(台本)」, 1976. (中井悠訳)
Rainer, Yvonne.「私自身のあら探し( Looking Myself in the Mouth)」 (中井悠訳), 1981.
Rainer, Yvonne.「若いアーティストへの手紙( Letter to a Young Artist)」(中井悠訳), 2005.
FELIX: (Re)position or Permission for My Motives , 1992.
BOMB Magazine: Trisha Brown by Yvonne Rainer, Fall 1993.
Index Magazine: Griffin, Tim. “Yvonne Rainer,” 2002.
Corpus: Ploebst, Helmut. “Meeting Yvonne Rainer.”
Stanford University Digital Collections: Hershman, Lynn. “Transcript of Interview with Yvonne Rainer”, 2006.
Movement Research: Diffenderfer, Laura. “Yvonne Rainer: Critical Correspondence,” November 12, 2007.
《RoS Indexical》(2007)について語るインタヴュー
Living.scotsman: Jefferey. Moira. “Yvonne Rainer, dancer and filmmaker,” October 3, 2010.
《Trio A》を中心にキャリアを振り返る最新インタヴュー
Senses of Cinema, n. 18: Walley, Jonathan. “From Objecthood to Subject Matter: Yvonne Rainer's Transition from Dance to Film,” January−February 2002.
UBUWEB: レイナー・アーカイブ(映画や台本など)
Google Video: 1978年に撮影された《Trio A》を踊るレイナーの映像
La fondation Daniel Langlois: E.A.Tの9 Eveningsで演じられた《Carriage Discreteness》(1966)についての資料
Video Data Bank: DVDボックス・セット《A Woman Who...: Selected Works of Yvonne Rainer》の情報とクリップ
Arizona State University Interactive Gateway program:レイナーとパット・キャターソンが学生に《Continuous Project − Altered Daily》の「Chair/Pillow」を教えたワークショップの記録映像